What is GC Tooth Mousse and What Does It Do?

Gc Tooth Mousse Australia

GC Tooth Mousse is a delicious tasting crème that contains calcium and phosphate; the major minerals teeth are made from. GC Tooth Mousse is available in 40g (35ml) Tubes in Standard and Plus (contains Fluoride) varieties with a selection of delicious flavours.

How To Use Gc Tooth Mousse
What Does Tooth Mousse Do

GC Tooth Mousse has numerous dental benefits and has fast become one of the most popular oral hygiene products recommended and used by Dental Professionals throughout the world. GC Tooth Mousse can assist with managing Tooth Sensitivity, Cavity Prevention, Remineralisation and added Tooth Protection.

GC Tooth Mousse is usually recommended by a Dental Professional and for patients who require Extra Teeth Protection, that is, in addition to Toothpastes and Mouthwashes etc. Patients who benefit from the use of Tooth Mousse include those undergoing Orthodontic Treatment, Children struggling with toothbrushing, those suffering from Reflux or morning sickness and where daily Oral Hygiene may be compromised e.g., patients with carers.

GC Tooth Mousse is super easy to use and a delicious tasting product which can be simply added to your daily Oral Hygiene regime. For this reason, GC Tooth Mousse can be used by almost any age group and can be easily purchased online.

How does GC Tooth Mousse Work?

Many people believe Tooth Mousse is a toothpaste, however, it is quite the opposite. Tooth Mousse and Tooth Mousse Plus are smooth, deliciously tasting topical cremes which are applied to the teeth, usually morning and night.

Tooth Mousse works by delivering the two main minerals found in teeth (Calcium and Phosphate) in a bio available, soluble form using a special and revolutionary, milk based, protein called Recaldent – (CPP-APP or casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate). Believe it or not this protein is derived from Cow’s and has many natural benefits.

Gc Tooth Mousse

In short, GC Tooth Mousse provides extra protection for teeth, buffers (stabilises) dental plaque acid from bacteria in the mouth and protects teeth from acidic foods and drinks.

Tooth Mousse Plus also provides further dental benefits by delivering 0.2% (900 ppm) active fluoride content (approximately the same as Adult Toothpastes).  Standard Tooth Mousse doesn’t contain Fluoride.

Why Use Tooth Mousse?

GC Tooth Mousse has a wide variety of applications and is often recommended by Dental Professionals in the following situations: 

Oral Hygiene Risk

Oral Hygiene Risk

Tooth Mousse Offers extra protection for teeth if you are unable to clean them effectively. For example, patients with Braces or Orthodontic Appliances or those who struggle regularly brush/floss their teeth correctly.

Acidic Diet

Acidic Diet

Tooth Mousse offers extra protection for your teeth if your diet contains Acidic Foods and Drinks which can lead to Dental Erosion. Common acidic foods and drinks include soft drinks, sports drinks, coffee, yoghurt, citrus fruits, alcohol, and coffee. Read more about Dental Erosion here.

Morning Sickness And Reflux

Morning Sickness and Reflux 

Tooth Mousse can alleviate the negative effects of acid reflux on your teeth by offering extra protection. Morning sickness during pregnancy (particularly in the second and third trimesters) can lead to frequent reflux. Some people also suffer from reflux after consuming certain foods, drinks, and beverages.

Extra Protection

Extra Protection

Tooth Mousse can be used to provide added protection for all age groups in particularly children and people who depend on carers. Children’s teeth can be exposed to acid from their diet and bacteria in their mouth multiple times throughout the day – Tooth Mousse can provide extra protection against these attacks. Similarly, some people who depend on carers for assistance may have trouble with oral hygiene and extra protection may be required in these situations.

What We
  • 100% Delicious, selection of flavours (great for kids)
  • Fluoride (Plus) and Fluoride Free options
  • Super easy to apply and use
  • Natural, Milk based
What We Don’t
  • Not suitable for those with milk protein or casein allergies
  • Can get a little costly when used regularly 

How to Use GC Tooth Mousse

GC Tooth Mousse is super easy to use and can be applied using your finger or with the use of a Custom Fit Tray. Usually day and night-time application, after brushing is recommended. The longer Tooth Mousse is left in contact with the teeth, the greater the benefit is.

Using Finger

  1. Squeeze a small amount of Tooth Mousse onto a clean finger
  2. Apply to all teeth, use your tongue to spread evenly
  3. Leave on for a minimum of 3 minutes – avoid spitting and swallowing
  4. Spit out excess. Excess Tooth Mousse can be left to dissipate. Avoid rinsing and eating for 30 mins.

Using a Custom Fit Tray

  1. Extrude generous layer of Tooth Mousse into tray
  2. Place tray in mouth, leaving for a minimum of 30 mins
  3. Remove and rinse tray. Use tongue to spread remaining Tooth Mousse throughout the mouth.
  4. After 1-2mins, spit out excess. Avoid rinsing and eating for 30 mins.
What Is Tooth Mousse

Tip: Rinse, clean and dry tray immediately after use to avoid residue forming in your trays.

Where to Buy GC Tooth Mousse Online in Australia

You can purchase GC Tooth Mouse and GC Tooth Mousse Plus from The House of Mouth™ with Australia Wide Shipping. Orders can be made online or by calling 07 5534 8603.

For regular GC Tooth Mousse users, The House of Mouth™ Subscribe n Save feature provides an ongoing 5% Discount off the everyday GC Tooth Mousse pricing. You can read more here or simply select this option when adding your GC Tooth Mousse to cart.

Oral Health and Product Advice

Have questions about the products recommended to you by your Dental Professional or need help selecting a product suited to your needs – one of our Dental Professionals will be more than happy to help – Contact Us today. 

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